Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hate Word #31 "Timesing"

It is hard for me to come up with a term that I hate more than "timesing." I say "term" because "timesing" is not even a word, yet somehow it has seeped its way into the world of mathematics. It all began with the misuse of "times" instead of "multiply." For instance, instead of saying "You need to take x and multiply it by y," the majority of people say "You need to take x and times it by y." I hear this more often than not and it really makes my skin crawl. I almost got up and left, then, when my chemistry TA last year said "What we are doing is taking the pressure and timesing it by the temperature." I almost got up and left the room, half out of protest, half out of nausea.

1 comment:

AnWulf said...

"Calculation should be made as waste on the dimension paper and not mentally, and timesing should be done consistently." - Willis, et al, "Willis's Elements of Quantity Surveying, 11th ed", 2011, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK

When timesing becomes complicated, it will help considerably in tracing items if the method of timesing is consistent. - ibid